Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Pictures Updated!

Good morning! Mom updated my 14 month album today. You can see it here: http://www.faithmarie.net/gallery/index-2.html

Have a blessed day! Keep cool!

Faith Marie

Monday, June 27, 2005

Hotter than Florida here!

How bad is this? The weatherman said it has been hotter here than Florida! We are about to have our hottest day in 3 years here, so they tell us. Whew! Sounds like a good day for the pool, Mom!

Look what I saw out the window this morning! One buck and one doe in our front yard again eating breakfast, I guess. We see deer and rabbits in our yard everyday. I love watching the hummingbirds on the feeder out our kitchen window when I eat.

Well, I really must go. It's my morning nap time, you know! Hope you can keep cool today!

Faith Marie

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Another steamy day!

Wow! Another hot day here. The humidity is nuts. Had to spend some time in my pool today. Thought you might like to see a pic.

It sure cooled me off! I love my pool. After the long hard day we had yesterday, we all took it pretty easy today.

Well I must go and finish and my dinner... roast beef, carrots, peas and mmmm, grape

Have a good evening!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Oh my! What a full day I had today

Wow! I'm so pooped.... in fact I'm writing this in my sleep from my crib hahhahaha

I played so hard today I almost fell asleep in my highchair tonight! First, I went out to Dad's jobsite today. I got to see him way up on the top of these sticks nailing on what mom called rafters to this pole barn thing they are building. What a hot day it was today! In the 90's with 90 something humidty and he and Cliff had to work out in it. Whew! We didn't stay long there cause it was just too hot.

Then we went swimming in Cheryl's pool for the rest of the afternoon. Weeeeeeee! That was sooooooo much fun. I wore myself out!

In fact... oh no.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !

Goodnite all,
Faith Marie

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Good evening! Mom insisted on trying out my own blog. Hopefully it will be easier to update everyone on my latest happenings.

It looks like Mom's internet service has finally been fixed! Sorry for the delay in the latest pics in my online gallery but they are all updated now.

This first entry will be a short one cause it's getting late and well, my teeth coming through are making me, well, frankly.... cranky :) Not to mention I've had a long day between the bike rides with mom, the sandbox, my pool and chasing our new kitty.... whew! Makes me tired just thinking of my action packed days hehe

Till the next time,
Faith Marie